Today is the final day of National Poetry Writing Month. I will continue to add erasure poems on this site, but not daily. I end this month with two erasures, finishing up the page started yesterday (above)

A bird
is an important
support; a
part of a balance
a ship
and the sun;
a signal to guide
pilots-- Like a
beam of light: radiant.
to carry.

We say
be patient; endure;
we tend
at some point
to sink--
the one person
with a head
held up.
I am shaggy
hair and
most uncouth;
a person
who tries to--
in the disorder--
grow used to the
so called
shape of the leaf.
Today I pulled out the encaustic supplies I brought with me when I moved to Germany in order to test the dictionary paper under wax. I wanted to share the results with you.

I was worried the transparency of the paper in wax would cause the chosen word to be too obscured to legible. Instead it creates a nice palimpsest effect.
I hope those of you who have visited this blog because of poetry month, will check in time to time to see the development of this project. It found new life this month thanks to the daily prompts and the sense of community NaPoWriMo fosters.